
Posted on January 18, 2010


On Friday 14th, 2010, 3pm, I told myself and everyone around who could hear that “This coffee is my last coffee for the rest of the year!”

All that heard were shocked… then laughed and said that I couldn’t do it. I had 3 coffees that day…

No coffee had during the weekend, and none today. I’m doing alright… so far… But as 3pm is approaching I’m really feeling the taste of coffee with condensed milk dancing on my tongue (yes, that is what I’m really hooked no thanks to a friend of mine!).

Argh! Must stop thinking about coffee else I’ll be in that kitchen making one!

My other resolution this year, just like every other year, is to exercise more. I think I exercised more during my break between Christmas and New Year than I have these last couple of weeks. As I’ve read on previous posts this year, screw resolutions and just start now! So I exercised on Saturday and woke up early to do it again today!

2 resolutions down. yay! Hopefully I can keep it up for the next few weeks consistently because then it’ll come as second nature (I hate all this thinking!)

Do I have other resolutions? Of course I do! But I’ll keep them to myself for the time being until I can actually get through these successfully. Gotta do things one step at a time 🙂

Now, off to make myself a cup of… tea! 😀

Posted in: Ramblings